Product Description

Neutral density filters are important for filmmakers and photographers
because they allow you to precisely control the amount of light passing through
the lens for greater creative control over exposure. For filmmakers, this means
shutter speeds that match your frame-rate while maintaining the depth-of-field
you want. For photographers, it means you can use longer exposures or achieve a
shallow depth-of-field in bright sunlight.
The downside to most neutral density filters is unpredictable color shift.
This shift is caused by low-quality materials, poor manufacturing, and ignoring
the infrared band of the light spectrum. This High Red transmission spike
results in unpredictable color shifts that can change drastically as filter
density and exposure times increase.
Thanks to ACCU-ND technology, the image undergoes no negative affects from color
shift that may occur due to low-quality materials, poor manufacturing QC, or
issues with leaking of the Infrared band of the light spectrum.
HOYA's exclusive ACCU-ND technology achieves equal reduction of the light in
visible and IR spectrums. As a result, the photographer doesnt experience
issues with color shift when using HOYA ND filters in different shooting
The filter is mounted into a lightweight, precision-milled aluminum frame. It
includes front filter threads so you can attach additional filters or a
protective lens cap.
Shooting Video
ND filters for shooting video are also popular tools. For example, when
shooting with Sony camera in Slog mode, ISO cannot be set below 800. To obtain
natural motion, the shutter speed is recommended to be adjusted to frame/rate
setting. During the daytime PROND EX 8, PROND EX 64, PROND EX 1000 or its
combination (like PROND EX 8 + PROND EX 64) would be necessary to achieve
cinematic quality.
Combining, or stacking, filters
The choice of ND filters depends on the intentions of the photographer to
achieve the desired effect in the final image. If using a single ND filter does
not satisfy the demands of the situation, or the photographer's vision, a
combination of PROND EX filters can also be useful. For example, the combination
of PROND EX 8 + PROND EX 64 will give the effect equal to ND500 filter, that can
be used to express a surreal world. The combination of PROND EX 8 + PROND EX
1000 will give the effect equal to ND8000, that will allow to capture the
surface of the sun without overexposure.